Thursday, 15 December 2011

Intel enters licensing deal with Inside Secure for NFC tech

Intel’s NFC aspirations are hardly a secret. The company showed off a Medfield-powered tablet at IDF sporting the tech and it’s partnered with MasterCard — promising to bring PayPass checkouts to Ultrabooks. Now Chipzilla is putting the final pieces of the equation in place by landing a licensing deal with Inside Secure. The company specializes in contactless payment systems and will be lending its Microread, Securead and Open NFC products to Intel for future chips. While it’s a safe assumption that we’ll be seeing NFC pop up in Ultrabooks, it’s also going to be an essential ingredient if the Santa Clara crew ever hopes to make x86 a player in the smartphone scene. We’ve still got a while to go before near field communication becomes truly ubiquitous, but this is one more step in the right direction. Check out the PR after the break.

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