Before the launch of the iPhone 4S in India, it was reported that Apple was going to sell refurbished iPhones in the market. The 16GB model of the iPhone 4 was set to be sold for Rs.22,500, and it would come with a bill and a full year’s worth of warranty. Many netizens greeted this as welcome news, especially since Apple tends to price their handsets quite steeply in India. According to a follow-up report from, the same website who exclusively broke the news have revealed that Beetel received a small inventory of the 16GB iPhone 4 and the 8GB iPhone 3GS, but instead of going public with it they offered it in the form of corporate deals.
The report states that indeed the prices quoted were the same, with the 16GB iPhone 4 being sold for Rs. 22,500, while the iPhone 3GS was sold for Rs. 15,000. They go on to say that they know of people who purchased the 16GB iPhone 4 for the said amount and received a bill and one year warranty as well. They end by stating that the size of the inventory is not known, but their sources have informed them that it was less than 1000 pieces, put to together. However, in what may seem as some sort of good news, this may not be a one-off case and there are chances it could happen again.
For the general market, this may seem like a case of rotten apples and though there was widespread information about the refurbished iPhones, there was no widespread availability of them. Let us know your reactions about Beetel selling the refurbished iPhones only as corporate deals, in the comments below.
Refurbished iPhones sold out
The report states that indeed the prices quoted were the same, with the 16GB iPhone 4 being sold for Rs. 22,500, while the iPhone 3GS was sold for Rs. 15,000. They go on to say that they know of people who purchased the 16GB iPhone 4 for the said amount and received a bill and one year warranty as well. They end by stating that the size of the inventory is not known, but their sources have informed them that it was less than 1000 pieces, put to together. However, in what may seem as some sort of good news, this may not be a one-off case and there are chances it could happen again.
For the general market, this may seem like a case of rotten apples and though there was widespread information about the refurbished iPhones, there was no widespread availability of them. Let us know your reactions about Beetel selling the refurbished iPhones only as corporate deals, in the comments below.
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