Thursday, 22 March 2012

Twitter turns 6, has 140 million users

Twitter, our ever loving microblog has turned six and is quite proud of it. They wrote in a blog post, "Six years may not be very long in human terms, but it’s been quite an enormous span for the thing we know and love as Twitter. When @jack first sketched out his notion in March 2006, no one could have predicted the trajectory of this new communication tool." Now, the company says that they have as many users on the microblog as the number of ways that they can express themselves in 140 characters. Which means they now have 140 million active users. They see 340 million tweets everyday, which means they see 1 billion tweets every three days.
Ex-googler coming on board?
Happy 6th!

Taking into account the importance of users to get to a sixth birthday, Twitter writes, "Without you, of course, there wouldn’t be a Twitter. We mark our sixth birthday with you in mind, and celebrate your myriad ways of engaging, enjoying, and emoting on our platform." When Jack Dorsey first sketched his idea out, he wrote, "I'm happy this idea has taken root, I hope it thrives". Twitter says, thanks to the users, it has thrived.

Twitter was conceptualized on the 16th of March in 2006. Dorsey and Biz Stone through the company Odeo (a podcast company). On March 21, 2006, Dorsey sent out the first tweet saying, "just setting up my twttr". Still more work was done on the microblog (which started out as an SMS service for communication within small groups) and on July 15th, Twitter was launched to the masses. In March 2007, Twitter was presented at SXSW and in April, it became its own company.

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