The much awaited Xperia S that was announced at the Consumer Electronics Show has finally made its way to the Indian market, albeit unofficially. According to our sources in the market, this Android smartphone has been priced at approximately Rs.32,000 and has already started selling in a bunch of stores. It is a grand more than the expected pricing we had put on it, so that was definitely close.
In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a lowdown on the Specs of the Xperia S again:
With a price tag of Rs.32,000, the Sony Xperia S directly competes with a few existing handsets. The first one being the mammoth Samsung Galaxy Note that has a full 1-inch more in the display size at 5.3 inches. The next is the Sensation XE, which comes with a similar 1.5 GHz dual core processor, but sports an 8 megapixel camera that we weren’t particularly impressed with. There’s also the oh-so-popular and ever reliable Samsung Galaxy S II that is currently selling for close to Rs.31,000. The other phones in the similar price bracket include the HTC EVO 3D and the Motorola RAZR XT910 – the one with the Kevlar vest. What the Xperia S clearly wins over the competition in, is the megapixel count in its camera, but as we all know megapixels don’t really tell the whole story. Besides that at 32k, we do think it’s slightly expensive, and we would have loved this device over all the other ones, if it were priced close to 27k-28k. However, the official pricing and availability hasn’t been disclosed as of now, so we could see a few fluctuations in the price of the Xperia S in the coming weeks. Till then, at 32K would you buy this piece of art
Xperia S available in two colour options
In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a lowdown on the Specs of the Xperia S again:
- Android Gingerbread (Upgradeable to ICS)
- 4.3-inch HD display with a resolution of 1280 x 720
- 1.5GHz dual-core processor with a MSM8260 chipset, 1GB RAM
- 12 megapixel camera with Sony Exmor R sensor and 1080p video recording capabilities
- 1.3 megapixel front camera with 720p@30 fps
- 32GB internal memory
- HDMI port
- Weighs 144g
With a price tag of Rs.32,000, the Sony Xperia S directly competes with a few existing handsets. The first one being the mammoth Samsung Galaxy Note that has a full 1-inch more in the display size at 5.3 inches. The next is the Sensation XE, which comes with a similar 1.5 GHz dual core processor, but sports an 8 megapixel camera that we weren’t particularly impressed with. There’s also the oh-so-popular and ever reliable Samsung Galaxy S II that is currently selling for close to Rs.31,000. The other phones in the similar price bracket include the HTC EVO 3D and the Motorola RAZR XT910 – the one with the Kevlar vest. What the Xperia S clearly wins over the competition in, is the megapixel count in its camera, but as we all know megapixels don’t really tell the whole story. Besides that at 32k, we do think it’s slightly expensive, and we would have loved this device over all the other ones, if it were priced close to 27k-28k. However, the official pricing and availability hasn’t been disclosed as of now, so we could see a few fluctuations in the price of the Xperia S in the coming weeks. Till then, at 32K would you buy this piece of art
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