After ADATA, Corsair now introduces its new SSD in the Indian market. The company has launched the Accelerator Series SSD cache drives, designed for desktop PC users. It touts to bring in dramatic performance boost with minimal cost and hassle for Windows based PC users. Corsair’s this line-up of SSD cache drivers has premium Dataplex caching software from NVELO, which ensures improved boot times and lightening quick file access, says the company.
The company promises an immediate speed boost on connecting an Accelerator Series SSD cache drive to the SATA port and installing the caching software, included with the drive. It doesn't require drive mapping, re-installation of the operating system or application. Moreover, one wouldn’t require complex file management as the drive works in tandem with the existing hard drive for an efficient performance. The Accelerator Series solid-state cache drives are compatible with Micosoft Windows 7, and also plans to support Windows 8. The drives are compatible with SATA 2 and SATA 3 ports. Further, the company claims that users may see an improvement in read/write speeds of up to 5x, compared to their current hard drive performance after installing a Corsair Accelerator Series SSD cache drive.
"The newly available Accelerator Series SSD cache drives are some of the most cost-effective solutions for boosting PC performance without the complexity of drive swaps and reconfiguration," said Thi La, Vice President of Memory Products at Corsair. "They are ideal for PC users and enthusiasts who want to improve their computer's speed without the hassle and expense of a full system upgrade."
With a three-year warranty, Accelerator Series solid-state cache drives are available through Corsair's worldwide network of authorized retailers and distributors. The 60GB model comes at a suggested retail price of Rs.5,999, 45GB for Rs.5,499 and 30GB for Rs.3,999.
For Windows
The company promises an immediate speed boost on connecting an Accelerator Series SSD cache drive to the SATA port and installing the caching software, included with the drive. It doesn't require drive mapping, re-installation of the operating system or application. Moreover, one wouldn’t require complex file management as the drive works in tandem with the existing hard drive for an efficient performance. The Accelerator Series solid-state cache drives are compatible with Micosoft Windows 7, and also plans to support Windows 8. The drives are compatible with SATA 2 and SATA 3 ports. Further, the company claims that users may see an improvement in read/write speeds of up to 5x, compared to their current hard drive performance after installing a Corsair Accelerator Series SSD cache drive.
"The newly available Accelerator Series SSD cache drives are some of the most cost-effective solutions for boosting PC performance without the complexity of drive swaps and reconfiguration," said Thi La, Vice President of Memory Products at Corsair. "They are ideal for PC users and enthusiasts who want to improve their computer's speed without the hassle and expense of a full system upgrade."
With a three-year warranty, Accelerator Series solid-state cache drives are available through Corsair's worldwide network of authorized retailers and distributors. The 60GB model comes at a suggested retail price of Rs.5,999, 45GB for Rs.5,499 and 30GB for Rs.3,999.
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