The new iPad has arrived and it has been creating quite a ripple in the worldwide tech arena with its Retina display, quad core graphics and other features. However, what has been also gaining a lot of momentum in the past few days is the price cut that Apple has put on all the versions of its current hot selling tablet, the iPad 2. With the impending launch of the new one, we can confirm that there has been close to a 3-5k price drop in all the current versions of the iPad 2. The 16GB Wi-Fi model is now selling for a price tag of Rs.24,500 from the earlier Rs.29,500, whereas the 16GB Wi-Fi +3G is selling now at a price of Rs.32,900 from Rs.36,900. The 32GB Wi-Fi + 3G has got a 3k cut and is selling now for Rs. 38,900 whilst the 32GB Wi-Fi only gets a 4k price cut and is currently on sale for Rs.30,500. The 64GB versions have got a similar price cut as well and the complete list can be viewed in a tabular form below.
The base model, the 16GB Wi-Fi one only seems like quite a good option, if you look at it, because now, at the current pricing, the iPad 2 is cheaper than the Sony Tablet S, the Galaxy Tab 750, the Galaxy Tab 730, the Asus TF101 Transformer and a lot of other tablets. Obviously the specs are going to vary from model to model, but we’re just comparing Android and iOS, out here. Also, with so many announcements at the MWC, there are chances that the current price of all the other tablets will drop pretty soon.
So, there’s a question between taking a dip due to this price drop, or waiting for the new iPad. Alternatively, there could be a chance of getting it for a couple of grands cheaper from third party sellers. Which option would you choose, go for the iPad 2, or wait for the new iPad to hit Indian shores? Let us know in the comments section below.
Current prices
The base model, the 16GB Wi-Fi one only seems like quite a good option, if you look at it, because now, at the current pricing, the iPad 2 is cheaper than the Sony Tablet S, the Galaxy Tab 750, the Galaxy Tab 730, the Asus TF101 Transformer and a lot of other tablets. Obviously the specs are going to vary from model to model, but we’re just comparing Android and iOS, out here. Also, with so many announcements at the MWC, there are chances that the current price of all the other tablets will drop pretty soon.
Would you buy one now?
So, there’s a question between taking a dip due to this price drop, or waiting for the new iPad. Alternatively, there could be a chance of getting it for a couple of grands cheaper from third party sellers. Which option would you choose, go for the iPad 2, or wait for the new iPad to hit Indian shores? Let us know in the comments section below.
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