Yesterday, it was revealed that the Nokia Lumia 800 was going to be available in white, after already being available in Cyan, Magenta and Black colour options. So, for those who have put off buying the Lumia 800 in anticipation of their upcoming flagship, the Lumia 900, here is some good news for you. As per a report by Engadget, Nokia will offer the handset in three colour options with the latest choice being that the handset will come in a snow White choice as well, apart from the Black and Cyan options that have surfaced in the past.
This may not be any news, as back in December, when the handset had not even made its official debut, an image surfaced showing the Lumia 900 in a range of colours, which included Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, Black and White. However, as soon as the image surfaced, it was taken down giving rise to doubts about its credibility. However, when the handset made its official debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, Nokia showed off only two colour options, which were Black and Cyan. Strangely, all the other colours were left out. So as per the report, the website stated that the handset made a brief appearance on the official Nokia blog, Conversations. It was then taken down and was left on their official Facebook page. However, the image of the Nokia Lumia 900 in White has been removed from the popular social networking site as well.
The report goes on to state that Dave Zatz of ZatzNotFunny, was offered the choice between a Black handset and a White one when he was pre-ordering his Lumia 900 from a Microsoft store. This indicates that the handset may be available in both options at the time of its launch. There was no word on whether the Cyan or any of the other colours would be available when the handset hits the shelves. But hopefully, for those interested in purchasing this handset, Nokia launches the Lumia 900 in more than a single colour variant.
Like the Lumia 800, the upcoming flagship from Nokia will not have the colour painted on it, instead its body will have a white dye that will be stirred into the polycarbonate liquid to make the mould. Apart from this, the Lumia 900 will feature a unibody design, a front facing camera and a non-curved display.
Beautiful white handset could be available on launch
This may not be any news, as back in December, when the handset had not even made its official debut, an image surfaced showing the Lumia 900 in a range of colours, which included Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, Black and White. However, as soon as the image surfaced, it was taken down giving rise to doubts about its credibility. However, when the handset made its official debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, Nokia showed off only two colour options, which were Black and Cyan. Strangely, all the other colours were left out. So as per the report, the website stated that the handset made a brief appearance on the official Nokia blog, Conversations. It was then taken down and was left on their official Facebook page. However, the image of the Nokia Lumia 900 in White has been removed from the popular social networking site as well.
The report goes on to state that Dave Zatz of ZatzNotFunny, was offered the choice between a Black handset and a White one when he was pre-ordering his Lumia 900 from a Microsoft store. This indicates that the handset may be available in both options at the time of its launch. There was no word on whether the Cyan or any of the other colours would be available when the handset hits the shelves. But hopefully, for those interested in purchasing this handset, Nokia launches the Lumia 900 in more than a single colour variant.
Like the Lumia 800, the upcoming flagship from Nokia will not have the colour painted on it, instead its body will have a white dye that will be stirred into the polycarbonate liquid to make the mould. Apart from this, the Lumia 900 will feature a unibody design, a front facing camera and a non-curved display.
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