Saturday, 10 December 2011

Lemur multitouch music controller iPad app finally a reality

This week the folks at liine have released an app version of their legendary multitouch MIDI/OSC controller Lemur for the iOS platform on the iPad and iPad 2. The physical version of the platform is used by such massive musical artists as Daft Punk, Nine Inch Nails, Deadmau5, and more, and with the iPad having been release just a BIT after the original Lemur’s 2004 introduction to the public, it’s time the whole world had the chance to use this fantastical interface for the creation of block rocking beats. Ten years of development on this project converted now to a single app for iPad – seem like a winning combination to you?

This new Lemur app allows you to control DJ software, studio production software (DAWs), live electronic music software, stage lighting, and more – this is no everyday keyboard situation. Any software OR hardware that can otherwise be controlled by OSC/MINI is able to be controlled by this Lemur app. For those of you new to the platform, you’ll be able to access a user library of pre-made templates from top artists and unknowns from the Lemur community – artists from around the world are now sharing their own templates, strengthening the platform by the minute!
You’ve only to connect your iPad OR iPhone to your laptop over Wi-fi to work with a cross-platform (Mac OS X or Windows) interface builder to bring your experience to a whole new level, dragging and dropping with ease as you do so. You’re able to control up to 8 computers from one iPad if you wish, Lemur also supporting CoreMIDI allowing you to use such hardware interfaces as the iConnectMIDI or USB MINI interfaces to your heart’s content. Physics in objects are able to be controlled with physics models, allowing you to bounce, oscillate, and rebound across your tracks — objects including, but not limited to: Fader, Multislider, Range, Multiball, Knob, RingArea, Switches, Pads, Custom Button, and text.
Feel free to grab this app on the iTunes Appstore right this minute for a cool $49.99. You’ll need at least iOS 4.0 and will be able to use your iPad, iPad 2, any manner of iPhone and iPod touch. A must have for hardcore iPad-bound DJs and mixers.

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