Saturday 31 March 2012

Hackers Can Easily Lift Credit Card Data From Old Xbox Consoles

It has been discovered by researchers at Philadelphia’s Drexel University, that credit card data on older Xbox 360 systems that have been traded in or sold on. may be vulnerable to being hacked fro the previous owners credit card information. The team has discovered that even restoring your console to factory settings won’t remove some of the data stored on the Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 Credit Card Data

Using just a handful of common tools, almost any hacker or modders can remove the Xbox’s hard drive and recover credit card data or other personal information, which has been entered by previous owners. Speaking to gaming website Kotaku, researcher Ashley Podhradsky explained:
“Microsoft is doing a “disservice” to its customers by not doing a better job of keeping personal data protected. Microsoft does a great job of protecting their proprietary information. But they don’t do a great job of protecting the user’s data.”
Read the full article over on the Kotaku website.

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